Cohousing-L Summary mailings ARE NOT CURRENTLY BEING SENT
SORRY, THE SUMMARY SYSTEM is not working at this time.
To subscribe or unsubscribe go to: C-L-sum Info Page
NOTE THAT TO POST most easily you'll probably also want a no mail mode
subscription to Cohousing-L see NO Mail sub
NEW April 23, 2011 summary with clickable links See Reading messages
C-L-sum Introduction is a second mailing list which emails a WEEKLY
summary of the messages distributed by the main cohousing-L mailing list
in the past week. The purpose is to provide a low volume email way of
for people to monitor current topics on cohousing-L. It is easy to read
selected messages via the Cohousing-L Messages web pages (formerly
called the archives).
While it is possible to simply visit the archives periodically to browse
messages, C-L-sum comes to your inbox where you'll be reminded of the
ongoing discussions.
See sample summary below or via the C-L-sum archives Summaries
Summary preparation requires
some manual effort by a volunteer; the current goal of a summary every Wednesday.
See Implementation notes / BLOG
Summary message format
Threads (messages and replies with the same or similar subject line)
start at the left margin. Most active threads are usually listed first.
The original message in each thread has the first message's author
on the same line. Note that if the original message in a thread was in
a preceding summary, it and it's author are not listed. The summary's
subject line highlights active threads and has the tag [C-L-sum].
To read message in the four weeks after the summary is prepared there is
a web page with the same format as the email summary that has clickable
links directly to messages. There is a link to the summary thst has clickable
links on the 3rd line of the email summary.
Note that the messages open in a second "tab" or window (depending on how
your browser is configured). After clicking on a message number to go to it
you may have to click on the second tab/window to read the message.
When done reading a message, go back to the summary by clicking on it's
tab/window. This two tab/window system facilitates reading multiple messages.
For summaries older than 4 weeks including in the archives:
To read messages go to Cohousing-L Messages
The url of this page is in the header of each summary. Messages listed
in a recent summary will be listed tho not in the same order - they are
generally in date order.
Find the date range and then the thread of interest.
Going directly to a message.
It is possible but somewhat tricky to to go directly to a message
listed in a summary. I regret that I have not found a good explanation for doing this...
In the archives each message is a separate file with a name like: msg12345.html
And a URL (web address):
In this example the "12345" is the messages 'number". The message number is listed
(after the posters name) in the summary.
To go directly to a message
Copy and paste the following (incomplete) URL (also in summary's header):
into your browser's location box.
Edit it slightly:
Paste the message number (from the summary after the sender's name)
after "msg".
To respond to messages (to all subscribers), you should send your message to as usual. Please do not reply to summary messages.
Please copy and paste the subject of the message you are replying to and
(adding "Re: " if needed).
TO POST to cohousing-L most easily you need to be subscribed to
Cohousing-L but you probably want that subscription in "no mail mode"
which can be set via forms at the Cohousing-L Info Page
You'll probably need to use the form there to request your password first.
Posting and "replying"
Send messages to
You can not reply to cohousing-L messages but you can post
messages that look like replies.
o Send message to
o Use the original subject line with "Re: "
o copy and paste anything from original message from archives needed for context.
----------------- Sample summary --------------------------
Cohousing-L msg summary for Dec 13 to Dec 21 2005, msg# 22598 - 22621
To read messages go to
Or edit in message number and go directly:
For details about use, format: see
Book Review FROM: Charles R. Durrett-22621
Re: authentic communication
REPLY FROM: Tree Bressen-22610
bibliography FROM: Mlj45-22614
REPLY FROM: Tree Bressen-22617
Re: Children: Letting them work it out
REPLIES FROM: jsutfran-22598, aamato-22599
Re: great rooms and ommon house spaces
REPLIES FROM: Tree Bressen-22602, Sandy Thomson-22609,
Dave and Diane-22611
Mortgage referrals for construction lender due diligence
FROM: Clifford May-22603
REPLIES FROM: John Beutler-22604, Robert-22605,
Dahako-22607, Sharon Villines-22608, Clifford May-22612
Re: Wells-Fargo as mortgage lender
REPLY FROM: Juniperjojo-22606
Need leads for accessibility grants FROM: Dwight A. Ernest-22613
queries during conflict FROM: Tree Bressen-22616
REPLIES FROM: Sharon Villines-22618, Sharon
Bay Area guest room? FROM: Patricia Chadwick-22601
grants for green? FROM: kshute1-22615
Sunward Cohousing Home for Sale, Ann Arbor, Michigan
FROM: Michael McIntyre-22600
-----------------End of Sample summary --------------------------
Implementation notes and BLOG
The summaries are prepared with a little manual assistance by Fred, the
list manager but are largely prepared by a computer macro running on
Fred's computer. The macro downloads the current archive index page
and extracts subject lines from the last week and after some reorganizing
by Fred, formats the summary and then uploads and sends it.
4/23/11 Finally implement summaries with clickable links (html). Instead
of emailing them there are 4 html summaries files that are used in rotation
and overwritten with a new summary every 4 weeks. See Read messages
6/8/06 Post another message on Cohousing-L about C-L-sum after some editing
of this page and adding notes to Info pages:
o C-L-Sum Info page by the Subscribe form
o Cohousing-L Info page in Using Cohousing-L section
o Cohousing-L Info page by the Unsubscribe form
5/4/06 C-L-sum announced on cohousing-L
4/25/06 Weekly messages have been and continue to be produced
since the beginning of 2006 tho a few have not been sent on time - see C-L-sum archives
Still not yet publicized due to software problems
3/16/06 Due to connectivity problem on computer that produces summaries,
yesterday's summary was not produced on schedule. I now have a
workaround to produce it but discovered that summaries since Feb 8th had
not gotten posted! (They were sent to a different address for test and
the address did not get put back.) I have them and will post them
3/1/06 Publicizing the Summaries has been delayed repeatedly. The
software is not robust enough. Little glitches in format, roughness in
the user interface combined with the infrequent use - once a week - mean
that it becomes increasingly hard to fix glitches. So far I've gotten a
summary posted each week but it's been more difficult than I'd like.
Also it is still awkward to subscribe. I had hoped to develop
special forms on the Cohousing-L web page to subscribe in summary mode.
Ideally one would have 2 subscriptions: regular subscription to C-L-sum AND
no mail mode subscription to Cohousing-L (to allow posting)
So I have further delayed publicizing C-L-sum.
1/20/06 c-l-sum still not publicized to cohousing-L subscribers while
a few details being considered. See next entry.
1/20/06 , Friday prepare summary that was not prepared (oversight) on Wed 1/18
Discover complication with preparing summaries that don't end with most recently
distributed cohousing-L message. (This is due to the archive date index being
based on the date messages sent by poster rather than date distributed. These
dates can differ a bit if the message was "rejected" (held for review by list
Jan. 2006 email a few cohousing-L subscribers for feedback about summaries
Dec. 2005 write macros to produce summary and create list to distribute them
Fred's Link page